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Why Facebook Ads WORK for Local Business

1. It's cost-efficient.

The first place local businesses generally start when advertising online is either Google or Yelp. There is 2 big problems with this. Number one, advertising on Google is going to be very expensive, often times you will be forced to pay $5 just for 1 person to click and visit your website. Once most businesses realize this, they quickly stop advertising online and conclude that it doesn't work (which couldn't be further from the truth!). And number 2, Yelp is just plain awful. You're literally just throwing money away, you aren't able to measure the results and calculate your Return on Investment (ROI), and while you're advertising on Yelp you're not building YOUR brand presence at all.

With Facebook link clicks can be as cheap as just a couple cents, you can measure every aspect of your ad campaign (like how much each link click costs you, or how much it's costing you to show your ad to 1000 people, or how many people actually take your offer, etc), and even with a low ad-budget you can an amazing ROI!

2. You can easily target people within a certain geographical area of your business

Facebook allows you to target your Ads as finitely as a single town or city, even down to specific postal codes. This makes it easy to only show your Ad to the people who will be able to walk or drive to your store.

3. You can easily promote coupons and offers

Using either a 3rd party Facebook coupon app, or Facebook’s Offers app, you can easily advertise your coupons and drive people to claim them on Facebook.

4. You can target people who have bought from you in the past

Using Facebook’s Custom Audience targeting option, you can target people whose email address or phone number you have collected. And if you use any kind of loyalty program, then you will have this kind of information.

And these are just some of the few reasons why Facebook ads work so well for local businesses!

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